
Ne-am mutat

Blogul http://CuMataInLesa.blogspot.com s-a mutat pe http://Valeriu.Pinzaru.ro . Sper sa fiti aceiasi fideli cititori si va multumim pentru sustinere ;)

Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!



Dau catelusa spre adoptie

Ofer spre adoptie o catelusa... in calduri. Doritorii sunt rugati sa ma contacteze ASAP. Va multumesc.

Multumesc lui Adi B. pentru poza ;)

Britney Spears Deleted Scene from Jackass 3

E fake, dar merita vazut :))))

Police Fail Compilation

Primii sunt romani :))))))

Welcome message :)

Unii si-au cumparat stergatoare (pentru picioare) cu "Home sweet home". Altii cu "Bienvenidos". Si unii, carora nu le plac vizitele si-au cumparat astfel de presuri:

Multumesc lui Alin pentru folografie ;)

Last post of Osama Bin Laden on Facebook

So, here you have the last post of Osama bin Laden on Facebook :)))





Esti analfabet? Scrie-ne azi si te ajutam pe gratis.

Vand caine: mananca orice si ii plac foarte mult copiii.

Castroane pe placul oricarei gospodine cu fund rotund pentru batere eficienta.

De vanzare: birou de epoca pentru o doamna cu picioare subtiri si sertare largi.

Prajitor de paine: Un cadou apreciat de intreaga familie. Arde painea automat.

Masini uzate: De ce sa te duci in alta parte ca sa fii pacalit? Vino aici.

Cautam un om sa aiba grija de un lot de vaci care nu fumeaza si nici nu bea.

Vand pat pentru copil cu picioare de fier.

Tanara domna, draguta, inteligenta, caracter, familie buna, doreste casatorie cu domn bine situat care sa aiba si autoturism.

Ofertele se vor adresa subsemnatei, insotite de fotografia autoturismului.

Asociatie de locatari, angajeaza fochist de inalta presiune.

Cautam femeie la fetita in varsta si nefumatoare.

Vand masina de cusut mana si picior.

Vand butelie de aragaz cu reseu si frigider.

Vand patut copil facut la comanda pentru pretentiosi.

Inchiriez camera la doua fete incadrate cu un singur pat.

Cumpar imbracaminte de dama deosebita si putin intrebuintata.

Confectionez si incaputez cizme pentru barbati cu inlocuitori de calitate..

Ofer loc de veci liberabil prin schimb.

Ofer recompensa celor care au spus nevestei lui Paul Ionescu ca l-au vazut cu o femeie in masina in ziua de 18 Iunie, pe autostrada Bucuresti-Pitesti. Va rog sa veniti sa depuneti marturie si la tribunal.

Paul Ionescu.

La un concurs de animale, in cadrul unei sarbatori agricole, s-a afisat programul:

- ora 10.00 – prezentarea invitatilor.

- ora 12.00 – prezentarea animalelor.

- ora 14.00 – masa comuna.

Intr-o croitorie de dama: Fustele se ridica zilnic intre orele 10.00 si 14.00. Vindem second hand.

In diverse localuri si pravalii:

- Consumati cu incredere supa de pasare vegetariana.

- Servim cu frisca clientela bine batuta.

- Avem frisca batuta toata ziua.

- Nu servim minori sub 18 ani.

- Nu servim in stare de ebrietate.

- Avem ciorapi de femei lungi.

- Confectionam costume de dama la proba a doua.

- Croim rochii pentru dame de lux!

- Confectionam posete si genti si din pielea clientului.

- Angajez vanzatoare racoritoare

- Avem ciorapi pentru barbati supraelastici

- Vindem scaune pentru copii cu trei picioare

- Nu trimiteti copiii la umplut cu sifoane
Sursa: Marius Paraschiv


Noul imn al Romaniei (neoficial)

Va prezint noul imn al romaniei, ne-oficial, dar pe care cu totii il urmam "word by word".. scuzati-ma, va rog, ca am folosit engleza, dar am vrut sa evit cacofonia :) :)))


Vecinele invidioase pe "Baba violata"

Catelus cu parul cret (English version :)) )

I tried to fuck a dog in the ass =))))))))n Damn this song is AWSOME!!!! :))))))

I wanna fuck a dog
That's right kids

I tried to fuck your mom in the ass
Tried to fuck your dad in the ass
could only find the dog....
and his ass

We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog

I tried to fuck a fucking pirate in the ass

Aarrh me and me first mate a scurvy cur

Tried to fuck a fucking pirate
but I found the dog

Ahh that was no pirate man that was thy own sister

It's a Mexican pirate

We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
wanna fuck a fucking dog


Windows Restore virus – how to get rid of WindowsRestore manually

Windows Restore is a fake software that belongs to rogue virus family. This malware is a useless tool which claims to be a legitimate system security software. Windows Restore offers several security services including spyware and virus removal options although this program is totally useless and it is not able to detect or remove any virus from your computer. Simply, Windows Restore is just cloned and given an interface to appear like a real antivirus scan to trick more and more users into buying this fake antivirus software.

Windows Restore is a scam-ware tool which is designed by hackers to make money by selling fake security softwares to innocent internet users. These badware programmers code these malwares and then spread these malwares using trojans and worms from malicious websites. When Windows Restore virus gets into your computer, you,ll notice unwanted popups on your screen. These popups will warn you of spyware and virus infections. It may display different warning messages and alerts like Windows Restore has detected some viruses on your computer or your computer is infected with spywares that must be removed very soon to protect your system from further damages. It will also offer you to use Windows Restore software to get rid of these viruses. If you click the install or run Windows Restore link inside those popups, you,ll be redirected to a page that will ask you to pay the license fee for the full version of Windows Restore to get rid of viruses and spywares from your computer.

Pleaser Remember! All these warnings, alerts and virus removal offers made by Windows Restore virus are fake. This program is totally a fake software and it is specially designed to extort your money by selling its fake security products. You should ignore these warnings, avoid purchase of this program, avoid clicking any link within its popups and do not install any component of it promoted. All you have to do is to immediately remove it from your computer upon detection.

How to remove Windows Restore virus manually:

To remove this virus manually, complete the following set of tasks. Do not forget to create a backup before getting started to the manual removal guide.

Stop Windows Restore processes:


Remove Windows Restore Registry Entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random].exe”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random]”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policie \Associations “LowRiskFileTypes” = ‘{hq:/s`s:/ogn:/uyu:/dyd:/c`u:/bnl:/ble:/sdf:/lrh:/iul:/iulm:/fhg:/clq:/kqf:/`wh:/lqf:/lqdf:/lnw:/lq2:/l2t:/v`w:/rbs:’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments “SaveZoneInformation” = ’1′
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download “CheckExeSignatures” = ‘no’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main “Use FormSuggest” = ‘yes’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “WarnonBadCertRecving” = ’0′
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = ’1′

Remove Windows Restore files:
%UserProfile%\Desktop\Windows Restore.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Restore\
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Restore\Windows Restore.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Restore\Uninstall Windows restore.lnk

Source: http://www.techvts.com/fake-windows-restore-removal


O babă nemulțumită de violator

"Pai ori suntem violatori ori nu mai suntem .... pai ce facem noi aici ... "nu m-a violat cum trebuia sa ma violeze ca daca o facea corect taceam si o inghiteam si pe asta"



Dupa cate am inteles, la Manastirea Cozia exista un caiet unde credinciosii isi pot scrie rugamintile catre Cel de Sus (si nu e vorba nici de vecinul de la 4 si nici prefectu` judetului, ci de insusi Doamne-Doamne). Priviti rugamintea unuia/uneia din credincios/ase (fotografie gasita pe site-ul Cocalarilor ;) )


Stressed Dog

This dog is very stressed. Looks like it doesn`t allow anyone to get next to it`s food: not even itself :)) This is a video to remember :))

Inamicul serpilor: Silicoanele

Un sarpe a murit dupa ce a muscat un model israelian de sanii plini de silicon :). Pisicile ucid soriceii... cainii pe pisici si... silicoanele pe serpi :)


Feisbuc la tara

Am gasit pe TouchOfDream.info ce fac pe facebook taranii nostri... Destul de funny :)

Ion is in a relationship with Mărie.

Mărie is now in a relationship with Ion and other 26 people. (Popa Satului and other 24 people like this)

Mărie is attending the event "Mulsul vacii" (Vaca lui Mărie and Ion like this)

[Mărie is not really attending the event "Mulsul vacii". She is actually attendingVasile in the barn. Ion comes to see Mărie attending the "Mulsul vacii" event and finds out what is she actually attending]

Ion is now single.

Ion was invited to join group "Beţivanii satului"

Ion and other 20 people are attending the event "Beţie la crâşmă". (Crâşmarul likes this)

Ion set his status to: "supărat sunt doamne, iarăşi supărat"

Ion is now drunk and pissed on Mărie's Wall

Mărie finished attending Vasile.

Mărie set her status to: "Foarte obosită. Sper să mă pot trezi mâine să merg la biserică"

Vasile commented to Mărie's status "Eu nici nu cred că vin. Poate duminica viitoare"


Babele din sat are attending the event "Slujba de duminică" (Popa satului, Părintele Iosif, Cantoru' and Clopotaru' like this)

Beţivii satului missed the event "Slujba de duminică" because of it's interference with the event "Beţia de duminică" (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)

Popa satului and Popa Porno are now friends (The Devil 666 Satana andClopotaru' like this)


Mărie set her status to: "La spovedit..."

Ion commented on Mărie's status: "Ce-i Mărie, te-o prins rusinea?"

Mărie also commented on her status: "Taci , Ioane că eşti prost"

Popa satului also commented on Mărie's status:" :)) :))" (Primarul satuluilikes this..)

Vaca lu' Mărie set her status to "Muuuuuuuuuu..."

Mărie commented to Vaca lu' Mărie status: "Ioi ce proastă îs, am uitat să te mulg. După spovedit vin şi la tine. Paşte până atunci" (Vaca lu' Mărie likes this.)

Primarul satului added "şpagă" and "corruption" to his activities (Popa satului likes this)

Şefu de Post set his status to: "La primărie, la o vorbă cu primarul"

Primarul satului is now attending "Puşcăria".(Bebiţă săpunaru' and all his friends like this)


Mărie set her status to "Watching "fermier caut mireasă", so fuck off"

Vaca lu' Mărie exploded. (Ion likes this)

Mărie commented: "vaaaaiii...o murit vaca...am uitat s-o mulg...mă omoară tata când se întoarce de la crâşmă"

Popa satului also commented: "super, încă o înmormântare pe săptămâna asta" (Cantoru' and Popa Porno likes this)

Popa satului added "Praying" and "Porn" to his activities (Popa Porno andPărintele Iosif like this)

Popa satului, Părintele Iosif and Clopotaru' are now in a relationship and it's complicated. (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)


Popa satului set his status to "Zi de post, fiilor" (Babele satului like this;Beţivii satului dislike this)

Tata lu Mărie posted on Mărie's Wall: "Ce ai făcut cu vaca? Te omor"

Tata lu Mărie killed Mărie. (Ion and Popa Satului likes this. Vasile and other 25 people dislike this)

Tata lu Mărie is now attending "Puşcăria" along with Primarul Satului

Mărie is attending Hell (The Devil 666 Satana, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and other 75 bilion dead people like this)

Vaca lu' Mărie is attending Heaven (Saint Peter likes this)


Ambasada Romaniei in Madrid

am fost azi la ambasada sa scot un cacat de hartie. M-au facut sa astept vreo 4 ore pentru o hartie pe care o puteau face in 30 secunde.. da` na.. functionarul roman e smecher...
Pfoai.... Ca in romania :))) . Un ii zice lu' fiu-su: Maaaa te-ai facut numai pix pe fata... Cum mai faci poza acum? ... Si se aude o voce de femeie: lasa ca ii faci din profil :))) ... Dupa cateva minute intreaba aia pe fiu-so: ti-e foame? Iti dau niste salam? WTF??? Cand mi-e dor de romania mai bine vin la ambasada... :))


Prost sa fii, noroc sa ai (You lucky bastards)

O vorba romaneasca spune: prost sa fii...noroc sa ai. La fel si personajele din urmatorul video.
These guys were lucky... VERY LUCKY.. Check it out..

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